stuff for my word and image class. we have to go to the Aboretum at jp and pick three trees that we like+illustrate it( or make your own description/personal experience in this trip). i have this idea that there's tiny little creatures, the Aboretummies...and here's my spreads for the book. yuuuuhppp.
hope you'll like it*
here's the cover... freshly painted.
still have to put type on it. gonna be titled: Dreaming About Trees
story's pretty much a cat's dream. inspired by my cat, Skittle. I'm always curious what's in a cat's mind....
now let's pray that the printers at the labs wont screw up the colors when i try to print them. sigh*
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24 hours access at the studio.... slowly juicing my energy and life away.
summer summer please come soon.
i like how the pink flowers cure arborotummie AIDS